Prepaid Postage Envelopes Australia. But I wondered if you are allowed to use these envelopes for other letters. This single-use, prepaid envelope includes postage for lodgement and delivery within Australia.
I sent out the entire invites with the response envelopes addressed back but without postage.
Great value European data packs available with rates Just returned from Italy, Greece and Singapore and found the Prepaid TravelSIM worked really well.
Simply enclose your items and place inside the post box - no need to queue up at the post office. Today, prepaid postage makes sending mail fast and easy for businesses and individuals, but these options can be costly for individuals who do Prepaid envelopes, also called "business reply mail," are tools businesses use to encourage customers to return information, like credit card applications. Because we do not directly control all parts of the delivery chain we cannot guarantee that your item.