Prenuptial Agreement Template Canada. Canada's leading site on prenuptial agreements. A Prenuptial Agreement, also commonly known as a Prenup, is a contract entered into by two individuals who are about to get married.
This prenuptial agreement template provides a good starting point but you should take care to ensure that it will be enforceable in your state or country and This Prenuptial Agreement (the "Agreement") sets out the terms and conditions upon which [HUSBAND NAME] (the "Husband") and [WIFE NAME].
The contract details the property rights of each.
An agreement made prior to marriage specifying the parties' rights to marital assets upon A prenuptial agreement is a legal contract made between two people before they become married. The sample documents below are provided for informational purposes only. A prenuptial agreement, usually referred to as a prenup, is entered into by people who are either planning to get married or enter into a civil union.