Pre Addressed Stamped Envelopes. Prepare an empty, unsealed envelope with your name and address clearly printed on the front as the addressee, add appropriate postage, then stick it inside. A self-addressed stamped envelope, or SASE, is a professional business tool that makes it simple and free for a prospect to return a document.
Just ensure that your address is the deliver-to address on the prepaid envelope you send inside.
I'm not sure if I should take the time to do this or just let them get it off of the return address on the outer envelope.
Pre-addressed quiere decir que el sobre ya tiene impreso el nombre y la dirección adonde va a ser enviado. A self-addressed stamp envelope is often included to send back the RSVP. This option requires you to provide pre-addressed, stamped envelopes for yourself and the other party. • If you prepared a proposed order, make enough copies of the Order for all parties involved; and prepare pre-addressed stamped envelopes for each party.