Power Ranger Dino Charge Invitations Template. Power Rangers Dino Super Charge Oviraptor Zord Figure with Charger The Dino Chargers, or simply Chargers, are the small, battery-like devices utilized by the Dino Charge Rangers.
Attach Dino Zord head and tail pieces to morph Dino Chargers into Zords.
When the Dino Charge Rangers find out that the Aqua Energem has been founded by one of Chase's old friends, they know that it's the start of something new.
Especially when Sledge rises to take over and destroy the world and they're the only ones who can save it. Riley Griffin, Chase Randall, and Koda morph into Power Rangers to help Tyler and Shelby battle Iceage. Боевик, приключения, фэнтези. Режиссер: Michael Duignan, Чарли Хэскелл, Питер Сэлмон. В ролях: Бреннан Мейя, Камилль Хайд, Ёси Сударсо и др. В Дино Заряде Энергемы (ранее Призмы Парагона) были даны пришельцем многим динозаврам, чтобы сохранить их. Dino Charge Ranger Bios, Last Names and Weapons Revealed!